About me

Hi 👋🏼, I'm Timo, 21 years old and I'm from North Rhine-Westphalia in Germany.

I am a Software Engineer at Aikido Security, a developer-first software security platform from Ghent in Belgium. Furthermore I'm studying computer science at the Westphalian University of Applied Sciences in Bocholt.

When I'm not programming in my free time, I like to read or meet up with friends. I'm also volunteering for the NGO Togo Neuer Horizont e.V..

My projects


TypeScript, JavaScript, Node.js, C#, Git, Linux, Docker, MongoDB, Postgres, HTML, CSS, NPM, Astro, Vite, Bootstrap, Nginx, GitHub ...


You can encrypt your email with my public OpenPGP-Key or S/MIME-Key.

About this website

This website was created with 🚀 Astro , Bootstrap and Node.js . For the animations I used Animate.css and Typed.js and the icons are from FontAwesome.

Mein Logo

© 2024 Timo Kössler